I was really happy to recieve my Models Own haul on Friday. I had packed all my stuff on Monday when I moved all my stuff back to my appartment, and I left only four polishes with me to survive through the last week at my parents' place. Sow I'm really happy to know that now I have ten new polishes to play with until I get to go back to my appertment and have all my nails polishes with me for the first time in three months. I got these when Models Own had their -50% off sale and I tried to pick shades that they don't sell here in Finland.
(In The Navy, Betty Blue, Purple Grey)
Purple Grey on varmasti maailman ihanin syyssävy kynsilakoissa. Vaikka olenkin ihminen, joka ei yhtään elä värien mukaan vaan tasan käytän kirkkaita sävyjä ympäri vuoden, sopi tämä lakka äärimmäisen hyvin eilisen viimeisiin syksysäihin. Ja In The Navy saattaa vihdoin olla se mun täydellinen tummansininen creme-lakka.
Purple Grey is probably the greatest fall shade ever. I'm really not a person who uses seasonal shades but this one fit perfectly with my mood yesterday when it was raining and I finished my job, so now summer is officially over. And In The Navy might just be the perfect navy blue creme polish that I've been looking for.
(Green Flash, Lime Green, Peacock Green)
Peacock green saattoi olla toinen niistä kahdesta lakasta, joiden takia ylipäätään tahdoin mitään Models Ownilta tilata.
Peacock Green might have been the reason why I even wanted to place an order to Models Own.
(Tickled Pink, Golden Peach, 25 Carat Gold, Proper Copper)
Golden Peach oli toinen niistä lakoista, joita odotin kaikkein eniten. Mikä tahansa, missä on kultainen shimmer tuntuu olevan omaan mieleeni tällä hetkellä.
Golden Peach was another polish that I wanted really badly. Lately everything with golden shimmer has been my favorite.
Great Haul!
VastaaPoistaI need to order polishes from this brand one... one day...!
Ääh... Sait mut himoitsemaan tuota Golden peachia! Onneksi ei enää kovin montaa päivää että saan omat Models ownini <3
VastaaPoistaOoooh you got *the* famous purple grey ^^ can't wait to see what you'll do with that one ;) you'll see that peacock green is a winner too, I love that shade :)
VastaaPoistaGreat haul, the website wouldn't work for me when they had their 50% off :( I have ordered one bottle tho, Slate Green - am excited as it should arrive soon and is my first polish from Models Own xx
Great haul, my polishes didnt come yet.. :(
VastaaPoistaihana tuo golden peach, vetoaa muhun :)